

Welcome to “OnPulse” a biometric chat project. To participate please:

  • Enable your camera so it can detect your heartbeat
  • Ensure that your face is well lit
  • Wear headphones and turn the volume up
  • Enter your name and optional information
  • Press LAUNCH.

This is an art project that extracts but does not retain biometric information. Do not participate in this piece if you have privacy concerns. As an open 3D chat environment visitors need to be aware that all written text will be seen publicly and they are responsible for any copyright violations, abusive content or any claims whatsoever. If a particular chat bores or offends you, you may turn the chat function off at any time.

Loading machine learning models for face detection...

The artwork detects your pulse using photoplethysmography and machine learning with Tensor Flow models. It uses signal processing algorithms to detect small changes in the blue and green channels of your skin tone over time.

Please fill out the info below